A W4ll Out


 Puzzle game




Puzzle game with a first person perspective. Game created for a one-week-jam with the themes 'the fourth wall' and 'loops'. The player will have to escape by breaking the fourth wall, literally. The game ranked 1 out of 18 games with a first position in gameplay also.

This is a first-person puzzle game (currently only in Spanish), where the player will have to escape from the facilities after been considered a malicious entity by an AI. The player will have to solve puzzles to find the fourth wall in the different rooms and use them to escape. Along the way, the supervisory AI will try to stop the player with a time-loop technique. The player needs to be faster than the recharging time or the AI will loop him back to the start.

It's probably that the player won't be able to finish the game on their first attempts, but as they discover how the puzzles work they will go faster until they're able to reach the end at some point. This is the mechanic of the time loop to make the player feel he is learning and capable of solving them faster.

The AI will also evolve throughout the game. At first, it's more professional and naive, by giving the player the opportunity to leave voluntarily. As time goes by and we don't follow its instructions the AI turns into a more aggressive one getting angry with the player. Finally, when it realizes that nothing is going to stop you, is resigned to see you escape. We can clearly see this evolution in the game and how our actions have an impact on the relationship we have with the AI.

The game ranked the first position out of eighteen games and also won in the best gameplay category.

My contribution to this project

This project was built by a team of 5 people. I was responsible for creating some of the puzzle levels and the system to pass to the next level when all fourth walls get destroyed.

I also did some of the gameplay mechanics such as the hammer and walls that have a fake number and change when getting hit.

Gameplay video

All My Work